

Only 900 Tickets to be Issued in Order to Avoid Crowding--Supper to be Served in Shifts

With the announcement of patronesses and the naming of ushers, plans for the Union dance on Friday evening before the Princeton game were declared to be complete by the Union management yesterday.

Billy Lossez and his ten-piece orchestra will provide continuous music in the Living Room while the Hotel Kenmore organization will perform a similar duty in the Reading Room. Dancing will be from 9.30 o'clock to 3 o'clock.

Attendance Limited

In order to avoid crowding, the attendance has been limited to 900 people. Both Dining Rooms will be used between 11.40 o'clock and 1.20 o'clock for the Supper. Special tickets with the approximate time for dining stamped on them have been issued by the management in order to prevent confusion in the supper interval. These tickets are printed in groups for each 20 minutes during the two-hour period the Dining Rooms will be open.

The prices for tickets are $4.50 for stags and 38 for each couple Tickets may be secured daily at the newsstand between 9 and 4 o'clock. Union members are urged to purchase their tickets immediately, because the demand is expected to exceed the supply by several hundred.


The head patronesses for the dance are: Mrs. Matthew Luce and Mrs. George Birkhoff. Additional patronesses, as announced by the Union, are as follows: Mrs. J. W. Apple, Mrs. Paul Birdsall, Mrs. P. F. Coady, Mrs. H. J. Cooliage, Mrs. D. K. David, Mrs. A. C. Davison, Mrs. W. B. Donham, Mrs. G. H. Edgell, Mrs. James Ford, Mrs. Joseph Guarnaccia, Mrs. R. H. Hallowell, Mrs. P. M. Hamlen, Mrs. H. W. Harris, Mrs. A. N. Hamlen, Mrs. H. W. Holmes, Mrs. O. D. Kellogg, Mrs. B. L. Kilgour, Mrs. A. Lawrence Lowell, Mrs. H. G. Meadows, Mrs. R. B. Merriman, Mrs. J. W. Miller, Mrs. Francis Parkman, Mrs. C. A. Pratt, Mrs. Elliott Putnam, Mrs. R. R. Robinson, Mrs. D. M. Sayles, Mrs. F. B. Sayre, Mrs. H. D. Scott, Mrs. Richard Stoney, Mrs. R. DeC. Ward, Mrs. Moses Williams.
