


A lecture course in religion under the auspices of the Graduate School Society will be given again this year at Phillips Brooks House. The course is comprised of a series of 12 lectures to be given by the leading authorities on theological subjects in the country on successive Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock, beginning November 7th.

To Give Concise Resume

The purpose of the course is to place within the reach of graduates and undergraduates a concise resume of religion. The first half of these lectures will be devoted to an explanation of the background of religion, its history and development. The second six will take place after Mid-year examinations and are designed to help in clearing up religious problems that trouble students. All of these meetings are scheduled for the lecture Hall on the third floor of the Phillips Brooks House.

Undergraduates Invited

The most eminent theologians and philosophers in the country are on the Graduate Society program. The lecture course has been given on two previous years and has met with the unqualified approval and support of the graduate students of the University. This year, it is desired that more undergraduates should attend the lecture course, a source of religious analysis and explanation afforded by no other institution in the world. Each talk will be followed by an interview for asking questions and for discussion.


The first lecture on November 7, will be given by Professor R. C. Cabot '89, Chairman of the Department of Social Ethics on "The Need of Religion." Reverend A. F. Hicks, Rector of St. Paul's Church in Cambridge will speak November 14 on "Roman Catholicism."

On November '21, Rabbi Stephen Wise of the Free Synagogue in New York City will discuss "Judaism". Dean W. L. Sperry of the Harvard Theological School will speak on November 28, concerning "Protestantism."

December 5 will bring Professor Kirsopp Lake, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History at the University, who will speak on "The Modern Trend of Religion." Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick will conclude the first series of lectures on December 12 with a talk on "The Future of the Church."
