

Instead of Usual 11--Photographic Department Seeks Candidates From Class of 1929

For the first time in its 53 years of continuous publication the CRIMSON is departing from the time honored custom of holding only one Freshman competition of 11 weeks starting in the spring. The innovation takes the form of a 1930 competition for the News Department opening at 7 o'clock tonight which will last only seven weeks, ending just before the Mid-year period. At the same time amateur photographers among the members of the Sophomore, class interested in the wide range of picture taking opportunities offered by the Photographic Department of the CRIMSON will be given a chance to start an 11-week competition for this department of the University daily.

Competition Starts at 7 o'clock

In the past Freshmen were kept waiting until the spring of their first year in Cambridge before being invited to display their literary talents in writing news stories and interviews for the CRIMSON. This year it has been decided to hold two News competitions for first-year men to cut down on the duration of the candidate period, and to take advantage of the quiet seven weeks which comprises the lull between the Yale game and Midyear storms for the first of these.

An added attraction to this experimental first competition which opens tonight with a meeting of all aspirants in the President's office in the CRIMSON Building at 14 Plympten Street, is the Christmas holiday break coming in the middle of the rigorous reportorial campaign.

Varied Opportunity for Work


The work required in both Jews and Photographic competitions will be much the same as in former years, the rigors of both being comparable only to pleasure attached to the work. A news candidate is expected to write routine news, obtain interviews from famous person ages, write feature stories on occasion, and do a certain amount of office work. The aspirant for a place on the Photographic staff is given opportunity of taking pictures that have news value. Besides this he is furnished with the finest and latest photographic equipment. Dark room training is also supplied.

At the initial meeting tonight, the prospective candidates, will be given brief talks by F. V. Field '27, President of the CRIMSON, and the various department heads who will outline the nature of the work and conduct those present through the building.

Previous experience either in news writing or photography is totally unnecessary
