

Best Seven in Each Class to be Formed Into Team--To Play Preliminary Matches by Christmas

The first interclass squash competition in the history of the sport at the University will get under way Monday with the posting of blue books in the Squash Courts building and in the Freshman Gymnasium.

Men who are interested in entering the interclass squash play should sign up in these books before Wednesday evening, it was stated last night by M. A. Cheek Jr. '26, who is managing the new winter activity.

Will Form Class Teams

The men signing up from each class will be divided into small tournament groups that will play a series of test matches to determine the best seven players in each group. These winners will automatically be formed into a class team, and will be entered in the quadrangular class competition.

The preliminary test matches will all be played off before Christmas vacation, according to present plans, in order that the interclass team play may start on January 3 with the re-opening of college.


To Play Two Class Games Per Week

The interclass matches will take place in the University Squash Courts and each will be played in one day. Two class team encounters will be scheduled every week until nine matches have been played by the respective entrants. On the results of these nine meetings, the title holder of the class league will be decided.

It is planned to give medals to the members of the winning team and also class numerals if the champion aggregation belongs to one of the upper three classes. Captains will be elected by the players of each squad during the course of the season.

Is First Encounter of All Classes

This year's interclass squash play will inaugurate the first athletic competition between the four divisions of the Coltivity in squash.

As in other interclass sports, men who are on probation or are ineligible for University teams will be allowed to enter the class squash competition.
