The best thing one can say about Mussolini's schemes and fancies is that they are always entertaining. The latest concerns education. On this subject Mussolini has firm ideas. He advocates a sort of select school for young Fascisti, with the curriculum based on "science, politics and the art of government." One wonders whether Mussolini proposes to teach the future leaders of Italy to govern as he governs. If so the result will be at least amusing.
Like Plato, Il Duce would educate the governors apart from the governed. An aristocratic class would thus almost automatically be established, with membership consisting of the alumni of Mussolini's college. There would be opportunity for another black shirtail genius to arise and seize the reins of state. Wise is Mussolini wise and blessed with foresight. Having an available position he does not intend to lose it through the ambitions and personality of some upstart. But other men have tried to place walls around the throne and they have failed. Now has tried it perhaps in exactly the method of H Duce. Why he should be more successful than his predecessors in the tyranny trade is a problem for prophets. So far his defeats have been few. In the terms of his patron saint this educational move may be his Waterloo.
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