


The Yale University Theater, the gift of E. S. Harkness, will be opened with ceremonies on December 10.

The play to be presented by the student theater is "The Patriarch," written by a Yale undergraduate, Boyd Smith of Elkins, West Virginia. The production has been approved by Professor George Pierce Baker head of the Yale Department of Drama, who was formerly in charge of the Harvard "47" Workship. The author of the play is a member of an advanced class in play-writing and has written several successful short dramas.

"Patriarch" Censored

"The Patriarch" was composed last year and was presented by the Yale dramatic company before a special committee which is required to pass judgment on all production of the Department of Drama. The new play was unanimously approved by the trial audience.

The opening of the Yale Theater will mark the first time in history that a building constructed especially for university theatricals has been opened with a play written and staged by students. The lighting, scenic effects and designing of costumes will also be done by members of Professor Baker's department.


A special prologue for "The Patriarch" has been written by Lee Wilson Dodd, and during the summer the play itself was revised slightly according to suggestions made by the viewing committee at the trial performance. The success of Professor Baker's management at Yale will assure a capable company for the play. It has been called a difficult drama for amateur actors and the presentation will tax the skill of the Yale Thespians.

The new theater will seat 700 people and 5000 invitations have been issued by the management for the dedicatory performances. The first presentation on December 10 will be designated as "Founders" Night" and will be attended by the Corporation and officers of Yale University as well as by all full professors and the members of the Dramatic Association.

"47" Students Invited

Two performances of "The Patriarch" will be given on December 11. At the evening show, all former members of Professor Baker's "47' Workshop at Harvard are invited to be present. The last dedicatory night on December 13 will be for Yale undergraduates. If it becomes evident that more people wish to witness the play, a fifth and sixth performance will be scheduled. Special invitations are to be sent out for all but the last production.

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