

In this liberal country the possession of personal freedom is usually considered pretty much of an established fact, the jesters on the subject of prohibition to the contrary notwithstanding. President C. D. Gray of Bates spoke on this subject of freedom in Boston and called attention to the fact that in spite of the prevailing belief there were often cases of suppression and government interference. His talk was a plea for greater freedom for all to the end that a true distinction between right and wrong could be easily made.

These remarks on liberty are particularly apropos in face of the recent decision of the State Department to exclude Alexandra Kollontai because she might spread Communist propoganda. President Gray's suggestion that there be a Boston Common in every city of the United States where every radical should be allowed to air his views, would surely lead to a more healthy condition of affairs than that fostered by the careful exclusion policy of Secretary Kellogg. The trite speeches of uninteresting radicals will surely do less to harm the great American public than the overthrow of a policy of widespread education.

This plea from a man in the position of President Gray is a healthy sign in the upward growth of the country. It will not destroy all the bonds imposed by censorship, but it does show that intelligent thought and influence are being directed in the right channels toward enlightening the people, for after all, there can be no dark and dangerous sides to any questions for a truly enlightened populace.
