Dr. John Roach Striation and Professor K. F. Mather will be the principal speakers in the second Symposium of the year at the Phillips Brooks House tomorrow night.
The question submitted reads "Is the Theory of Evolution Incompatible with the Christian Religion.
This topic will be handled from an affirmative point of view by Dr. Stratin, a fundamentalist of national repute from the Calvary Baptist Church of New York City.
Professor Mather of the University Department of Physiography will maintain that the two branches of thought are easily reconcilable Professor Mather has acquired recognition as a modernist bu his contention that the theory of evolution is not contrary to the Book of Genesis but explains it more fully.
Dr. Stratin on the contrary, believes implicitly in the infallibility of the Bible. He has been bitter in his denunciation of people willing to compromise on the fundamentalist principles.
Each speaker will gave a 25 minute talk outlining his standpoint and enumerating his arguments. Following this 20 minutes will be granted each man to ask questions of the other about his opinions on evolution.
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