

New Haven, Conn., November 16--In preparation for a possible wet field for the Harvard game on Saturday, as was the case in 1923 and 1924 the Yale coaches sent the Varsity squad on to the gridiron this afternoon in a pouring rain, but danger of injuries was eliminated by omitting scrimmage. The men had a half hour's work in the pouring rain in a signal drill and then had work handing a wet ball. The Varsity line-up was Scott and Fishwick, ends; Richards and Benton, Tackies; Sturhahn and Webster, guards; Look, center: Bunnell quarterback; and Noble, Hoben and Kline backs.

Whether the Yale team will start against Harvard in the same order on Saturday that started the game against Princeton is unsettled. That the line will be the same is fairly certain. Look's playing in the Princeton game seemed to give him first call on the center position and all other linemen came out of that contest in first class shape so that there will probably be no change.


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