In a recent letter to certain first-year students at the Law School, Dean Roscoe Pound Hon. '18 has occasioned a wave of indignation that is without parallel in the recent history of the graduate school. The diplomatic recriminations and amenities which, followed the severance of athletic relations between Princeton and the University have not been the only consequences of the football game of a week ago. A disciplinary warning issued by the Law School authorities has aroused among the students a bitter discussion. It was issued to those first-year men who were reported absent at their last class before the game, and the general feeling among students over the week-end has been one of querulous resentment.
Is Amazing Innovation
What is claimed by the oldest inhabitants of Langdell Hall to be the most startling-innovation possible in the procedure of the School, came in the taking of attendance in a class on the morning of November 6. Records fall to show any previous example in recent years, and it is the opinion of those familiar with the history of the Law School that it is without precedent.
The second step came when more than a hundred first-year men received a letter from Dean Pound, listing them as undesirable students in the School, and giving warning of a possible request for withdrawal from the Law School. The letter claims that this eventuality can only be avoided by strict fulfillment not only of the academic work connected with the curriculum, but also of the work carried on by the Law School clubs in the Ames competition.
Feeling Runs High
The letter was received in the middle of last week, and feeling has already reached an intense point. The feeling of Law School students last night, when several were interviewed by a CRIMSON reporter, centered around the tradition of allowing a student discretion in the matter of his preparation for and attendance at daily classes.
The letter signed by Dean Pound, reads as follows:
"My dear Sir,
"You have been reported to me as one of the hundred or more first-year men who saw fit to drop their work last Saturday by staying away from one of the most difficult courses in the School. Until recently such things have never happened in the history of the School. Hitherto, substantially everyone was on hand at 12 o'clock on the day of the Yale game.
Will Not Wait to Weed
"What this attitude of first year men toward their work means is shown by the circumstance that thirty seven per cent of last year's class is out of the School. This year I do not intend to wait until June to weed out those who have no place in a serious professional school.
"You are now listed as prima facie an undesirable student and from now on your work will be observed. If you are not in a Law Club, or if you are reported to me as defaulting in or neglecting your Law Club work, or as not in your seat at lectures, or as being unprepared when called on, I shall bring your name before the Faculty with a recommendation that you be required to withdraw. "Yours very truly, (Signed) "Roscoe Pound."
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