New Haven, Conn., November 12.--The Harvard harriers running in a cluster crashed through to a decisive victory this afternoon over Yale and Princeton.
Placing six men out of the first ten to speed across the finish line, Harvard accumulated 25 points against Yale's 31 and Princeton's 64 to win the Big Three Triangular meet. Macaulay Smith, captain of the Yale runners, and W. M. Briggs, his teammate, flashed over in one-two order just ahead of five Harvard men.
Harvard is Bunched
J. L. Reid '29, Captain E. C. Haggerty '27, Leslie Flaksman '29, L. J. Novograd '27, and W. B. King '27 followed the Eli leaders in the order named. Hayes and Ingham of Yale won eighth and ninth places. They were trailed by T. L. Mayhew '27 and Edward Gordon '27.
The first Princeton runner to score was Captain Welles in twelfth place.
The first five men to finish on each team were counted in the scoring. According to this system Harvard triumphed over Yale by a six point margin and over Princeton by 39 points.
Smith's Time Is Fast
The winning time for Smith was 27 minutes and 53 3-5 seconds for the five mile distance. The new Yale course was rough under foot and very hilly so that Smith's time will probably stand as a record for several years. J. L. Reid '29 was clocked in 28 minutes and 25 2-5 seconds, four seconds faster than he has ever done previously.
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