

Peerless Prognosticator in Love and Out--"Permanently," Says Joe, Who Plans Snappy Comeback for Today

It happened last week. Joe Forecast, he whom his admirers like to call The Infallible, made what must have looked to the football world like a mistake. He doped Boston College to be beaten. Imagine! And now for the first time he, or rather I, because I'll get all mixed up if I try to go on in the third person, now I will tell you how it happened. In a word, "Cherchez la femme." Yes, Joe Forecast, Flint-Hearted Joe as they used to call me in the old days, fell before a woman's wiles. I need not tell my readers how the Forecast heart beat quicker and the Forecast pulse raced faster. Suffice to say, I was in love. But when I pressed my suit, she (her name shall not be handled about in the public press) said with a sigh, "I'm afraid we could never get along, Joe. You're so darned perfect." That's the sort of thing I've had to contend with all my life. But did I give up?

No, I laid my plans with all the shrewdness you would expect-possibly with even more. I decided to show my beloved that I was human, almost at least, and that like a human being I might make a mistake. S I said Boston College would be beaten for the purpose--but you understand. Boston College Beaten. You can see how ridiculous that is. And "Cav", I call him "Cav", and I such buddies too. But what did I accomplish, besides making poor "Cav" cry his eyes out? Nothing, or even less. For when I went to the girl, pardon the sentiment, of my dreams, did she fall on my neck and say, "Joe, you're human after all." Did she, I repeat? She did not. She said, "You poor fish, you made me bet my bottom dollar and several next to the bottom dollars against Boston college. I thought you knew something about football." So here's the end of Joe Forecast's little romance. Once more, and this time permanently, he will be a man's man and an accurate forecaster.

So for today:

Yale 28, Georgia 9.

Princeton 21, Washington and Lee 3.


Dartmouth 40, Virginia P. I. O.

Cornell 13. Williams 3.

Brown 34. Lehigh 0.

Amherst 28, Bowdoin 6.

Syracuse 16, William and Mary 6.

Also I venture to predict that Red Grange's team will win the big game in "One Minute to Play," and also that possibly Richard Dix's team will crash through in "The Quarterback."
