

Rumor, in the form of a recent news item, has it that Europe is at present oversupplied with unwed princesses for the all too scanty number of eligible princes. The result of this tragic state of affairs has been to over-value royal males. A difficulty indeed arises when it is noticed that the royal heiresses although greatly under-valued, refuse to be driven out of their respective countries and out of circulation in accord with Gresham's Law. Possibly the reason is that if driven out of one country, they would yet be in another and still available. Or the recent wholesale discounting of all royal values may have upset the working of economic theory, a not unusual occurrence--in practice.

With such an insuperable difficulty before it, European royalty can find only one way out, and that is polygamy. The two possible alternatives of occasional morganatic marriages and celebacy receive title consideration, being inconsistent with royal tradition.

Yet adoption of polygamy will drop grave political questions into the hands of the League. First, the influence of Salt Lake City will be greatly increased possessing as it does the only Handbook of Rules on the subject. Secondly, a preponderance of power can easily be obtained by any single sovereign hold enough, whenever occasion demands, to make the matrimonial venture. The above problems are, however, trivial compared with the various domestic difficulties that will unquestionably arise. For it is, indeed, doubtful if any prince now living possesses those queer qualities of genius of Brigham Young.
