


This fall the Cercle Francais will for the first time open its doors by offering parts in its play to all members of the University. Those who have a knowledge of French combined with any dramatic ability are invited to enter the trials tonight at 7.30 o'clock in 9A Grays Hall.

In planning its theatrical season, the French club is striving to develop a grenter interest in the French classics than has been present in the past. Two years ago the Cercle presented "Le Monde ou I'on S'Ennuie," and last year they gave "Le Controleur des WagonsLits." This year, however, it has been decided to give a comedy by Moliere, probably "L'Avare."

"L'Avare is one of Moliere's greatest satires, comparable to "Les' Precieuses Ridicules" and similar criticisms of the evils of the day. "L'Avare", as its name suggests, is directed against the misers with whom the great satirist came in contact. Its French is especially well chosen and lends itself easily to the stage.

Monsieur Ernest Perrin of the Theatre des Varietes de Parts will again coach the players. M Perrin has been the director of the many successful plays which the Cercle has given in the past 21 years.

Heretofore the club has given but one play a year, which was presented in December. Henceforth, however, it will give a serious play in the fall, and follow it with several one-act plays of the modern less-serious type.


the feminine roles will be taken, as in the past, by Boston girls. Moliere's plays offer an exceptionally large number of men's parts, so the club hopes that a large number of candidates will be present tonight. All the trials will be private, the judges being the president, the coach, and two former presidents.
