


The following is the schedule and appointments for the remainder of the current year at Appleton Chapel as announced last night by Reverend Edward C. Moore, Parkman Professor of Theology and Plummer Professor of Christian Morals who is also Chairman of the Board of Preachers.

Sunday Sermons

October 10--The Very Reverend F.S.M. Benactt, Dean of Chestier, Chester, England.

October 17--The Right Reverend Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram, Bishop of London.

October 24--The Right Reverend Charles Lewis Slattery, Bishop Condjuter of Massachusetts.


October 31--Reverend Professor Theodore Gerald Soarers, University of Chicago, Chicago, III.

November 7--Reverend Professor Willard Learoyd Sperry, Dean of the Harvard Theological School.

November 14--Reverend Professor Charles Reynolds Brown, Dean of the Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Conn.

November 21--Reverend Paul Revere Frothingham, Minister of the Arlington Street Church, Boston.

November 28--Reverend Harold Edwin Balme Speight, Minister of King's Chapel, Boston.

December 5--Reverend Charles E. Raven, Canon of Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool, England.

December 12--Reverend Harry Emerson Fosdick, Minister of the Park Avenue Baptist Church, and Professor in Union Theological Seminary, New York City.

December 19--President Daniel. L. Marsh, Boston University, Boston.

December 26--Recess.

January 2--Reverend Frederick May Eliot, Minister of Unity Church, St. Paul. Minu.

January 9--Reverend Fredcrick May Eliot.

January 16--Reverend Professor Willard Learoyd Sperry.

January 23--Reverend Alexander MacColl, Minister of the Second Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa.

January 30--Reverend Professor Charles Reynolds Brown.

February 6--Reverend George Angier Gordon, Minister of the Old South Church, Boston.

February 13--Reverend Karl Reilend, Rector of St. George's Church, New York.

February 20--Reverend John R.P. Sclater, Minister of Old St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, Canada.

February 27--Reverend Paul Revere Frothingham.

March 6--Right Reverend Charles Lewls Slattery.

March 13--Right Reverend George C. Pidgeon, Moderator of the United Church of Canada, Toronto, Canada.

March 20--Reverend Professor Theodore Gerald Soarers.

March 27--Reverend Professor Theodore Gerald Soarers.

April 3--Reverend Richard Roberts, Minister of the American Presbyterian Church, Montreal, Canada.

April 10, Palm Sunday--Reverend Professor Edward C. Moore, Chairman of the Board of Preachers.

April 17--Reverend Professor Francis Greenwood Peabody, Plummier Professor, Emeritus.

April 24--Reverend Rees Edgar Tolloss, President of Wittenberg College, Springfield. Ohio.

May 1--Reverend Palfrey Perkins, Minister of the First Parish. Unitarian, Weston. Mass.

May 8--Reverend Henry Sloane Coffin. President of Union Theological Seminary New York City.

May 22--Reverend A. C. Knudson. Dean of the Theological School of Boston University. Boston.

May 29--Right Reverend Charles Henry Brent. Bishop of Western New York. Buffalo. New York.

June 5--Reverend Hugh Gordon Ross. Minister of the First Congregational Church. Battlefield. Mass.

June 19 Baccalaureate.

Daily Services

October 11--October 16--Dean of Chester, 11, 12, 13, 14: Professor Moore. 15, 16.

October 18--October 23--Faculty Week.

October 25--October 30--Bishop Slattery.

November 1-November 6--Professor Soares.

November 8-November 13--Dean Sperry.

November 15-November 20--Dean Brown.

November 22-November 27--Dr. Frothingham.

December 6-December 11--Canon Raven.

December 13-December 18--Dr. Fosdick.

January 10-January 15--Mr. Eliot.

January 17-January 22--Dean Sperry.

January 24-January 29--Dr. MacColl.

January 30-February 3--Dean Brown.

February 7-February 12--Faculty Week.

February 14-February 19--Dr. Relland.

February 21-February 26--Dr. Sclater.

February 28-March 5--Dr. Frothingham.

March 7-March 12--Bishop Slattery.

March 14-March 19--Dr. Pidgeon.

March 21-March 26--Dr. Soares.

April 28-April 2--Professor Moore.

April 4-April 9--Dr. Roberts.

April 11-April 16--Holy Week--Professors Peabody and Moore.

April 18-April 26--Recess.

April 24-April 30--Dr. Tolloss.

May 2-May 7--Mr. Perkins.

May 9-May 14--Dr. Coffin.

May 23-May 28--Dean Knudson.

May 30-June 4--Bishop Brent.
