

Academians Regard Game as Objective--Invaders Have Beaten Brown First Year Outfit

HARVARD 1930  WORCESTER ACAD. Fuller, l.e.  r.e., Whalen Barrett, l.t.  r.t., Truden Ticknor, l.g.  r.g., Packard Bigelzw, e.  e., Henshaw Fordyee, r.g.  l.g., McKee Storey, r.f.  l.t., Sargisson Lewis, r.e.  l.e., Forsberg Wetmore, q.b.  q.b., Hewitt Holbrook, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Gay Mason, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Hall Hitch, f.b.  f.b., Harvey

When the Freshman football team lines up against Worcester Academy in the third game of the season on Soldiers Field this afternoon, it will be led for the first time by William Wetmore, the flash quarterback, who was elected captain this week. The mediocre record of the team to date has been largely due to lack of team-play, but definite improvement along this line has been noted in the past ten days, and the election of a captain should weld the eleven into a unit.

Both Have Broken Even

Both contenders this afternoon have broken even with their early-season opponents. The 1930 outfit has lost to Andover by 6 to 0, and defeated Exeter by 2 to 0; the Worcester schoolboys dropped the opening tilt to Dean Academy, 13 to 0, but struck their winning stride against the Brown Freshmen, whom they out-scored 10 to 0.

The annual game with the Crimson Freshmen is regarded by the Worcester eleven as something of an objective game, and every effort has been made to muster the full strength of the squad for the encounter. The line-up that will face the Freshmen is a strong one, with several stars, of whom Hewitt at quarterback, former Lawrence High School boy who is preparing to enter the University, is the most brilliant. Against the Brown Freshmen he scored on a 45-yard drop kick.
