

Samuel Richardson, the son of a London joiner, printer's apprentice, and most "respectable" of men, will be the subject of a lecture in Sever 23 at 11 o'clock this morning, by Professor Maynadier in English 29a.

"From his youth", says Mr. H. A. Dobson, "the moralist had moralized; from his youth--nay from his childhood--this letter-writer had written letters, from his youth this supreme delineator of the other sex had been the confidant and counsellor of women. In his boyhood he was secretary-general to all the lovesick girls of his neighborhood; at of even he addressed a hortatory epistle, stuffed with tests to a scandalizing widow; and whenever it was possible, to correspond with any one, he was as 'corresponding' as even Horace Walpole could have desired." At the age of 50, he corresponded with the world in Pamela.

8 O'clock

"Meire". Professor Gilbert Murray, New Lecture Hall.
