Hanover, N.H., October 21. -The final practice of the Dartmouth football team in Hanover was held this noon on a field that had been covered by a four inch coat of snow during the night. A small area was scraped clear of snow in the middle of the field and much of the work-out this noon took place in this area. It was a short session of less than an hour and principally a loosening up drill.
After lunch the squad, coaches and managers left by bus for. White River Junction, where they boarded a special Pullman car to complete the journey to Cambridge by train. The busses pulled out amid the cheers of 1100 students and the playing of the college band. Practically the entire student body of 2200 students and the band will leave on two special trains at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. An athletic holiday has been granted over the week end so Hanover will be a deserted village tomorrow night.
Green Leader May Not Play
Coach Jess Hawley's final statement of the game just before leaving Hanover was. "It will undoubtedly be a very touch game. Harvard is primed for the encounter and we have got to fight hard to win it."
It is still doubtful whether Captain Horton will be in the starting line-up. He can play if the swelling in his ankle goes down sufficiently.
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