Culture, it has been well said, consists alot in the knowledge of facts but in the true valuation of life. Unfortunately, of the gradual and increasing recognition of this fact especially in modern institutions of higher learning, all too little opportunity for is application is afforded.
This afternoon, Professor Gilbert Murray will offer an opportunity for cultural research rarely given to students. At 4.30 o'clock in the Common Room of Straus Hall, he will give an informal talk on the subjects of his last two lectures: The Molpe, "the worship of the spirit of beauty", and The Drama, and will discuss questions connected with these.
Otherlectures of interest given today are:
10 O'clock
"Early New England Travel-books," Professor Murdock, Harvard 2, English 23.
"Cranial Anomalies in Criminals," Professor Hooton, Peabody Museum, Anthropology 3a.
"The Early Giottichi," Professor Edgell, Robinson Hall, Fine Arts 5b.
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