

Hanover, N. H., October 20. This afternoon the Big Green put the finishing touches on the attack which will be used against the Crimson on Soldiers Field Saturday. The hird team, using Harvard plays, seemed to make remarkable headway against the University eleven. Captain Norton Hooker, through injuries sustained the other day, will probably be cut of the lineup when the ball is put into play in Cambridge.

In today's scrimmage Black, the lasby young Sophomore from Lake Forest Academy, held down the fullback berth with all the ability of a veteran. Rubin, the giant guard, had little opportunity to scrimmage during the afternoon. In the first plays of the practice, he received an injury which caused him to be with-drawn and sent to the dispensary for the rest of the day.

The Dartmouth contingent will leave for Cambridge in a special train of three sections, practically the whole student body entraining, as an athletic holiday has been declared. Tonight the entire undergraduate body assembled for a monster rally, the second to be held since 1923.
