

The Nibelungenleid, it has been said, is the Iliad of the Germanic races, and this comparison, though only a general one, never the less comes close to the truth. Granted that it is crude in some parts and lacks the balance and proportion of the Homeric epic, yet, says Professor J. G. Robertson, "neither in the Iliad nor the Odyssey--nowhere, indeed, in the epic poetry of any people--has the tragic movement of events been depicted upon such a sublime scale as in the second part of the Nibelimgen Not."

This highly interesting old epic will be the subject of a lecture by Professor Howard in his course German 6 to be given at 11 o'clock in the Germanic Museum.

Other lectures of interest are:

9 O'clock

"Amending the Constitution," Professor Yeomans, Harvard 2, Government 19.


"Ethnographic Survey of Africa", Professor Tozzer, Semitic Museum, Anthropology A.

10 O'clock

"The Platonic Ideas," Professor Perry, Emerson A. Philosophy A.

11 O'clock

Gil Blas and other French Novels," Professor Sever 23, English 29a

12 O'clock

"The Nature of the Modern Commonwealth", Professor Holcombe, Harvard Government 3a.
