


At last the great day is at hand. The whistle is about to blow for another Forecast year; new diamonds are about to be set in the Forecast crown. There is just a tinge of sadness connected with this opening, however, sadness because for another year I am obliged to keep to myself the outcome of the Harvard games. And it happened this way--I'll be confidential with you.

I went to Coach Horween the other day, and I said, "Arnie," and that's the way I am, calling him Arnie the first thing just to make him feel at home. The Forecasts have always been like that. Way back in the darkest hours of the Civil War when General Grant came out of the West to take command of the Union army, who was the one man, the only man in that vast throng of blue-coated soldiery to greet the lonely general with a friendly, "Hello, Ulysses old horse! Good luck!" Who was it, I repeat? It was my grandfather, Corp. Ephraim Forecast. And you know who won the war.

Joe Politely Refused

But as I was saying, I went to Coach Horween and said, "Arnie, how about letting me tell the boys how the Harvard games are coming out this year? Bob didn't want me to last year, but I thought you might not mind."

"Well, Joe," he replied, "It's like this. Here I am, new at the job and everything. Of course I want to do well, and all that, but don't you think it would make it look a bit too easy, a bit too cut and dried, if you told them how much we were going to win by? And think of the effect on the other team. For the whole country knows about you, Joe."


So I said, "Perhaps you are right, Arnie. And I'll bear no hard feelings. I'll keep on telling you how to run the team just as though nothing had happened." And you should have seen the look of relief on his face. For he knew what a hole he would be in if Joe Forecast was missing from his council table.

So here goes for today's big results and the one big upset which will, I know surprise you all. That dear readers, is the silencing of the screaming eagle at University Heights. Yes, sir, Boston College is going to start the season with a defeat. Now isn't that too bad? But as an accurate forecaster, I have to be honest with my public. The truth must out, no matter how much the hurt.

Yale 34, Boston University 7.

Princeton 27, Amherst 0.

Holy Cross 13, St. John's 7.

Brown 41, Colby 0.

William and Mary 28, Loyola 3.

Tufts 20, Lowell Textile 0.


Catholic University 10, Boston College 7
