Yale's reinstatement of hockey as a winter sport is now considered almost certain since Podoloff and Sons, a New Haven real estate concern, has guaranteed the completion of the Walker rink, left unfinished owing to the death of Harry Z. Walker this summer. The new operators have stated that they have sufficient financial backing to complete the project within 60 days.
During the past two seasons, lack of a home rink has forced Yale to play most of its games away from New Haven and to travel to New York and Princeton for practice. Consequently, when the new rink seemed destined not to be completed, the college authorities decided that another season of touring would be impracticable and announced a week ago that the hockey schedule for the winter was cancelled. However, there now seems to be no reason for excluding the sport, since the new rink will be finished before Christmas. Until the completion of the Walker rink, it is expected that the Yale team will go to Springfield or practice.
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