

Advisers Will Submit Reports to Dean's Office on Each Advisee--Record Is Thus Provided for Emergency

"There have been several changes in the Student Advisory system this fall, the most important being the requirement that each adviser hand in reports on the character and ability of his advisees," declared W. E. Soule '27, chairman of the Student Advisory Committee in a discussion of the last week's work with the entering Freshman class.

Only 77 Men Now Serve

"By reducing the size of the Committee," said the chairman in a statement issued yesterday. I we have been enabled to organize a more compact and manageable unit. Formerly there were 200 advisers to carry on the work, but with so large an organization it was difficult to keep in touch with all the members and receive their reports. This year there were only 77 men appointed by the Student Council and it has been possible for us to organize a more thorough system.

"Each adviser has been assigned a definite number of Freshmen to consult with and to help, especially during the first week of college. At the present date, I can positively state that nearly all of the 850 entering Freshmen have been visited and advised. The members of the Committee have been eating at the Freshman dormitories for the past week, and have made themselves as available as possible at times when the Freshmen were not occupied by classes.

Advisers Make Reports


"This year," continued Soule, "the student advisers will hand in reports on each of their men, giving a record of their advisee's character and ability in-so-far as they are able to judge. These reports will be filed for reference by the Freshman Deans to provide-for any academic emergency when information is desired about an undergraduate It will be necessary, therefore, for a member of the Committee to keep in close touch with his group of Freshmen throughout the year. I believe that this closer relationship between upperclassmen and Freshmen will succeed in overcoming many of the difficulties generally encountered by men of the entering class. All men on the Committee with whom I have spoken consider their work both enjoyable and interesting, so that I feel certain their duties will not be neglected as the year continues."

The Student Advisory Committee is appointed annually by the Student Council to aid the college in the work of receiving new men and helping them to become orientated. Transfers from other colleges, foreign students, and Freshmen come within the scope of this Committee's work and usually these groups total over a thousand men. The Committee itself consists of 20 Sophomores, 50 Juniors, and a Chairman's Board of seven men. In accordance with the new college policy of relieving the graduating class of activity work, there are only three Seniors on the Committee, W. E. Soule, the Chairman, and two members of his board, J. D. Hitch and L. Y. Ward.
