

Matsu Back in Southern Line-Up--Davis May Be Monkey Wrench in Harvard's Offensive Machine

Can a Harvard team which has shown more early season offensive potentiality than any Crimson eleven of late years step into its stride today against a supposedly weaker combination and claim rank as a powerful scoring machine? That is a question which will be answered when Captain Coady's men step on the Stadium turf at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon to do battle with the William and Mary gridiron squad. The visitors from the south are smarting from a 35 to 0 defeat administered by Syracuse last week and are anxious to retrieve their 14 to 7 loss on Soldier's Field last season.

Coady May Play

"The University squad after two stiff evening assignments is crippled some-what by injuries to Coady, Daley, Miller, and French, but is otherwise in a fit and aggressive mood. Miller and French, two first-string backs are being saved for the Dartmouth clash and Coach Horween has decided not to risk either of them in today's encounter. The Crimson captain, however, has nearly recovered from his leg injury, and will see service if needed. Daley, the veteran guard who has been under observation for appendicitis may also get into the play for a time, when the two oldest colleges in the country meet.

Matsu-Davis Pass Threatens

During the past week Coach Horween has been drilling his men on a pass defense and today should show an improvement in this department. The Matsu to Davis pass is reputed to be a dangerous weapon and will have to be watched by the University defense. The little Japanese quarterback who played a major role in last year's game was injured playing against Loyola two weeks ago, but is in good shape again. Davis is a veteran wingman who crossed the Crimson goal line last year when he snatched a pass, and is a slashing defensive player as well. Coach Tasker of the Williamsburg aggregation has built up an offense around these two veteran back. Last year Harvard was primed for a vaunted aerial attack, so primed in fact that ordinary defense was forgotten and the Southerners changed their tactics and gained extensively on all sorts of world running plays.
