Mr. E. G. Morris, the man in the red sweater, well known to Harvard football fans for his gymnastic activities as announcer at Soldiers Field during the fall, explained to a Crimson reporter yesterday, the origin of the signals. Mr. Morris has spent 20 years in perfecting and developing his system from a combination of Army and Navy signals and the gestures used on the Stock exchange.
Mr. Morris is a Boston broker, and the Stock Exchange code has influenced his signal system a great deal. However, his signals and the score-board to which he wigwags have both been copyrighted, and are now used by Brown, Dartmouth and Holy Cross.
In commenting upon his football duties, Mr. Morris stated: "I have not missed a Stadium game for 20 years now, and when the team plays away from home I receive the news play by play at the Harvard Club."
When asked if he were a Harvard graduate, Mr. Morris said, "Well, I may be called a graduate by 'injection'. I was injected into the class of 1901 six years ago at the outing of the Associated Harvard Clubs at Nantasket. The membership in the class has been a source of great pleasure to me, although my position is purely honorary."
"My voice has never been cultivated, it just growed," asserted Mr. Morris modestly when queried as to the origin and development of his stentorian tones. "I find that the Stadium is hardest on my voice. If have to make more than six or seven announcements during a game, I'm apt to be a bit hoarse in the evening. The Arena, however, has the worst acoustics. During five years, I've never been able to find a spot from which I can reach the entire audience."
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