

"Love, hate and tradition," it has been said, "are the three dominant forces in a man's existence," and someone, scanning the genus Americanus or any other for that matter, might have added, "and the greatest of these is tradition."

In politics . . . most men and women," said Professor W. B. Munro in a recent article, "inherit their party affiliations.' Nor, it must be granted, does this hold in politics alone. Even the enlightened twentieth century, relegating to the cob-webs of antiquity this year what was the latest fashion the year before, does much as its fathers have done.

However that may be, "Tradition on Poetry" will be the subject of a lecture given in Sanders Theatre at 8 o'clock tonight by Professor Gilbert Murray, and to hear the incumbent of the Charles Eliot Norton Chair of Poetry is an opportunity no vagabond should miss.

Other lectures which should prove of interest are as follows:

9 O'clock


"An Ethnographic Survey of South America Professor Tozzer, Semitie Museum, Anthropology 1.

10 O'clock

"The Development of Responsible Government," Professor Elliot, Sever 20, Government 10a.

11 O'clock

"Architecture in Mesopotamia," Professor Chase, Fogg Museum Fine Arts 1c.

12 O'clock

"The State as based on Opinion" Professor Holcombe, Harvard 5, Government 3a.

"Lombard Romanesque Architecture," Professor Poat, Fogg, Museum Fine Arts 9a.
