

Will Take Up New Quarters in Ridgely Annex by Wednesday--Expect Busy Season

Announcement was made last night by E. W. Gross '27, Business Manager of the Dramatic Club, that the services of Edward Massey '15, have been secured to coach the December and April productions of the Club, for which there are available several experienced actors, including G. B. Bingham '28, who played the leading part in "Brown of Harvard" last spring. Mr. Massey is a former coach of Club productions but was absent last spring. He returns from New York, where he has recently staged John Dos Passos' play "The Moon is a Gong."

Vacate Advocate House

He will find the Club in new and larger quarters on the second floor of Ridgely Annex, in the rear of Ridgely Hall, on Holyoke Street. The move from the old location in the Advocate House will be made tomorrow or Wednesday of this week.

Will Consider Students' Plays

Activity in the competitions of the Club will begin soon, in anticipation of a busy season. A call has been issued for original plays by undergraduates, to be considered for production. The preference of the Club, in selecting plays to produce, have always inclined toward pieces written by students of the College, rather than to those of external authorship. Later in the year there will be an opportunity for those who are interested in writing plays for presentation by the Club to obtain practical instruction in playwriting, Gross said. Plays may be of any length and of any type. Manuscripts should be in the hands of C. H. Johnston '27, at 52 Plympton Street, by Saturday Candidates for other departments of the Club will be called out in about two weeks, it was also announced.
