

Opposes Tilton Academy Today in 1929 Gymnasium

The Freshman basketball five will lift the veil of its 1926 season this afternoon when it opposes Tilton Seminary in the initial encounter in the Freshman gymnasium at 4 o'clock.

Coach A. W. Samborski '25 expects to start his best team, and the first whistle will find G. G. Bailey and G. N. Burns in the forward positions, B. R. Thackaberry at the pivot's post, and K. D. Robinson and S. J. Jaffee as guards.

Coach Samborski plans to use his reserves as far as possible to test them out in the first game. J. W. Filoon, at center, D. J. Connell and E. M. Mahoney, forwards, and R. R. Ketchum, a guard, are likely to figure in the play before the final whistle sounds.

Tilton Seminary usually turns out very strong quintets and has often held the championship in its class in past years so that stiff opposition is looked for. Last year Tilton yielded to 1928 after a hard battle by a score of 37-30.

The prospects of the Freshman quintet are good if the men can continue at the rate at which they have been progressing. The men on the squad this year are very tall on the average, which is an asset to any court combination.


Three scrimmages have been held this week, and yesterday the team went through a light workout in preparation for today's encounter.
