

On Sale at Crimson After 5 O'clock--Will Exchange Five New Copies for Clean Copies of Old

The University Register is off the press and will definitely be put on sale tomorrow, it was announced last night by H. E. Wiener '21, editor.

At 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon subscribers can obtain their copies of the Register from the CRIMSON Building. After that time and all day Saturday the edition will be distributed to subscribers at $2.50 apiece and to non-subscribers at $3.00 apiece.

The first five men who appear at the CRIMSON Building with clean copies of last year's Register will be allowed to exchange them free of charge for new copies of the present issue.

On Sunday afternoon uncalled for copies will be distributed to subscribers and on Monday they will be put on sale at the bookstores around Harvard So.

This year an edition of 1000 has been printed with a large increase in advertising. This will allow the Register to pay for itself and possibly to make good part of last year's deficit.


Subscribers who do not receive their copies should write to P. O. Box 161 in order that the publishers may mail them before all are sold.
