

Mr. Louis Mann is Here But Where are the One Thousand Laughs?

Mr. Louis Mann, now appearing in "Give and Take" at the New Park Theatre, is giving a very good character sketch in his interpretation of the role of John Bauer, an old German American whose canning business puts up a hard fight against the encroachments of modern producing methods used by rival firms.

The cast leaves much to be desired. Mr. Mann carries the play entirely on his own shoulders except for some clever acting by Mr. George Farren, who plays the part of a small town banker whose eternal complaint is that "Money's tight, awful tight, tck, tck." Mr. Louis Hall, who has the role of Albert Kruger, the old German foreman who becomes imbued with the spirit of industrial democracy, does not give a very convincing performance. The acting of the other members of the cast is very poor indeed. The support is amateurish in the extreme; far more so than the work done by the Dramatic Club in "Mr. Paraclete".

The audience had no difficulty in finding the 1000 advertised laughs even if the reviewer did. On occasion the uproarious laughter from the orchestra proved so infectious that members of the cast were obliged to turn to the back of the stage in order to regain their composure.
