

Would Eliminate Necessity of Annual Drives for Class, P. B. H., and Other Funds

The Student Council will inaugurate its 1926 season with an important meeting tonight at 7 o'clock in the Faculty Room in University Hall.

The reports of at least four committees will be heard and discussed at this meeting, including those on the questions, A Permanent University Budget System, and the Authorization of the Student Friendship Drive for this Year.

F. V. Field, 27, chairman of the Harvard World Court committee, and member of the national committee, is expected to ask for the Council's ratification of the plan adopted by delegates at the Princeton conference of December 13, for the foundation of a National Student's Federation, and for Harvard's taking active part in the movement.

The purpose of such a Federation as expressed in the articles adopted at the conference, are to "achieve a spirit of unity among students of the United States to give consideration to questions affecting student's interest"; to developed an "intelligent student opinion on questions of national importance"; and "to foster understanding among students of the world in furtherence of an enduring world peace." The appointment of a national committee to prepare for this federation marks the first move toward a national organization of this kind in the history of the United States.

Yearly Budget Likely


J. C. McGlone '26, who has headed investigations for the establishment of a yearly budget to take the place of drives for all funds raised in the University will also make a report. If such a budget is adopted, as it has been at Yale and Princeton, the student will be relieved of solicitations for the Phillips Brooks House fund, certain of the class funds, and various others which may be better cared for by a University budget.

Every year recently, there has been discussion over authorizing the Student Friendship Fund, a permanent nationwide institution, to carry on operations for a drive among Harvard students. The proceeds collected from American colleges are sent to Europe to help maintain poor students and poverty-stricken professors there. So far the Council has authorized collections for this fund at the University, and a favorable decision this year is expected.
