The University track team goes into its first formidable competition tonight when the pistol is fired for the first event of the K. of C. games in Mechanics Hall at 7.30 o'clock.
The order for the big event, the mile relay, is not yet definite. O'Neil, Dunn, Lundell, Kane, Hunneman, Watters, and Rogers have been entered, but the likelihood is that O'Neil, Kane, Watters, and Haggerty will run. The Holy Cross men have been used to handing the baton on an indoor track identical with that which their spikes will dent tonight, whereas at the track on Soldiers' Field the corners are rounded in a different manner. This factor may give the Purple a slight edge, but if all four men on each team stay on their feet throughout the race, the finish will be a close one.
Many Stars Entered
Haggerty will also enter the 600-yard run, and any other competitor who breasts the tape ahead of him will have to beat 1.17. In the mile, Captain Tibbets is expected to be able to keep up with the field, and is more likely to keep ahead of it. He will make the rounds in 4.25 or better. Luttman in the two-mile run is the University representative, and will make a good fight for first place. His time is 9.50.
In the dash a galaxy of stars have been entered, and the question of who wins will depend largely on who gets the best start. Miller has been getting away fast lately, and stands an equal show with every one. Burns is still hampered by an old football injury. Pratt in the shot put is the University star in the other events.
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