TODAY 9.15 O'clock Anthropology 1Sever 11 Chemistry 16 Sever 29 Class. Philol.38 Sever 24 Education C Lawrence 12 English 23 A-B Harvard 5 C-Z Harvard 6 English 38 Harvard 5 Fine Arts 1f Robinson Hall Fine Arts 2c Fogg Lect. Rm. Geology 8 Emerson F German 1a I, II Harvard 2 German 21 Harvard 2 History B Harvard 3 Government 19a Harvard 1 History 1 Mr. Cram, 1, 18 and Conf. Sec. Memorial Hall Mr. Gratwick, 9 and Conf. Sec. New Lect, Hall Basement Rooms 2, 5, 9 Mr. Graves, 2, 17 and Conf. Sec. Geol. Lect. R.m. Mr. Hopper, 7, 10 and Conf. Sec. Emerson D Mr. Kates, 3, 14 and Conf. Sec. New Lect Hall Mr. Parkman, 8, 11 and Conf. Sec. New Lect. Hall Mr. Pickman, 12 and Conf. Sec. New Lect. Hall Mr. Russell, 4, 15 and Conf. Sec. Memorial Hall Mr. Salmon, 6, 13 and Conf. Sec. New Lect. Hall Mr. Taylor, 5, 16 and Conf. Sec. Memorial Hall History 3a Sem. Mus. 1 History 19 Sever 35 History 33 Harvard 2 Italian 2 Sem. Mus. 1 Latin 8 Sever 17 Mathematics A1 Sever 36 Mathematics G Sever 17 Mathematics 2 I Emerson J Mathematics 7 Sever 18 Mathematics 16 Sever 18 Music 2 Sever 18 Physics 6a Sever 24 Psychology 21a Emerson 27 Semitic 8 Emerson F Semitic 9a Emerson F Social Ethics 25 Emerson F 2 o'clock Chemistry 2 Memorial Hall English 1 Emerson D Social Ethics A Prof. Cabot, 1 Emerson J Mr. Elder, 4a, 4b Emerson J Mr. Johnson. 2 Emerson F Mr. Plgers. 3 Emerson A TOMORROW 9.15 O'clock Botany 2 Harvard 6 Chemistry 4 Memorial Hall Economics 3 Memorial Hall Economics 11 Sever 11 French 4 Emerson D French 27 Harvard 6 German D Emerson J German F Emerson D German 18 Sever 23 Government 6 Emerson D Government 9a Sever 35 History 10a E merson J History 53b Sever 23 History 59 Sever 23 Indic Philology 1a Sever 23 Latin A Memorial Hall Mathematics A III Sever 35 Mathematics C II Harvard 6 Zoology 6a Emerson D 1 P. M. French 3 Memorial Hall Government 5 Memorial Hall
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