
In the Graduate Schools

Business Historical Society Plans to Cooperate With School

The latest phase of the international movement to secure recognition for business as a profession and to develop business as a science is the organization of The Business Historical Society, recently chartered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and having a membership covering the United States and Canada. It has negotiated and closed a contract with the University, whereby its collections will be permanently deposited and united with those of the Harvard Business Library.

The new building under construction for the Library of the Harvard Business School has been designed to take care of the collections of the Society, C. C. Eaton, Librarian of the Harvard Business Library, has been elected Librarian of The Business Historical Society. Plans are being completed for the consolidation of other collections, so that it is estimated that when the Baker Building is opened next fall there will be deposited nearly 400.000 bound volumes and nearly a million items of business records, periodicals, and other, library material, technically known as ephemera. The notable cooperation with other libraries, shown by the participation of the heads of the State. Boston Public, and other Libraries, is along the line of the modern tendency of libraries, to specialize. In various parts of the country there are notable collections relating to single business topics. This is the first time anywhere in the world that an organization has been formed and equipment provided for a great library to be devoted solely to the entire field of business and to the collection of early business records of all kinds, from banks and mills to plantations and the country general stores of Colonial and pioneering days.


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