Holy Cross will be the University's opponent in the third game of the season, to be held in Hemenway Gymnasium at 8 o'clock this evening.
The Holy Cross line-up has undergone a complete shake-up since the game with Brown last week, in which the Purple was defeated 12-15. After this hard game, and the tilt with Fordham in New York last night, the Worcester team ought to be ready to give the Crimson a lively battle.
Football Man Replaces Burke
Holy Cross comes without its captain. Burke, who is out with an injury, thus weakening the forward line considerably. Kittredge, who is starting at left forward, was a member of the football team last fall, and was a prime factor in the defeat administered to the Crimson eleven.
John Reed, a former Holy Cross football player, is coaching the team this year. He is a keen student of the game, and has trained his men thoroughly on the main points.
To Use Three New Starters
Coach Reed has given Murphy, Cervini and Walker the privilege of starting the game tonight instead of Brady, O'Neill and Reilly, who started the Brown game. He hopes that the revamped quintet will upset the Crimson's clean record.
During the past week Coach Wachter has held several scrimmages, and the all-star Law School outfit gave the University a battle on Thursday, although defeated 30 to 25.
Coombs is starting in place of Barbee tonight, but the latter will probably see action. Barbee and Coombs have shared the position of left guard about equally so far.
Jones, who has had bad luck in injuries since the beginning of the season, first breaking a rib and then spraining an ankle, will be ready for action tonight, although he has not been picked to start. He is a reliable forward, who can be depended on to relieve Smith or Leekley at any time. Dorn, a member of the squad for two years, is likely to get into the game, although he has not figured in the play this year. He plays equally well at forward or guard. Another possibility is McCurdy, substitute center on the 1938 team last year. He has passed Green, regular Freshman center last year, and will receive the first call tomorrow night to relieve Rauh, University pivot.
Rauh's improvement has been one of the bright spots of the season so far. His cutting for the basket has speeded up, although his passing is still weak. He was high scorer from the floor in the game with M. I. T. Tuesday night.
This is the second game ever played between the two teams. The University defeated Holy Cross 35-13 at Worcester four years ago in the first game
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