

Face Wesleyan Here Tonight and Brown at Providence on Football Overemphasis Question

The University debating team, coached by Francis Bowman '24 will open its schedule in the Intercollegiate League when it meets Wesleyan in Paine Hall tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Admission will be free, which is a departure from the usual custom.

The speakers for the University, who will take the negative, are F. W. Lorenzen '29, Barrett Williams '28, and D. E. Scoll '28, alternate. They will uphold the negative side of the resolution which is: "Resolved: That this house deplores the present condition of intercollegiate athletics in eastern colleges."

The Wesleyan team is made up of Spencer Ruder '26, and Alden Goldsmith '26, with Arthur Weber '29, as an alternate. The judges of the debate chosen are Professor Roy Davis G. '02, of Boston University, Judge E. A. Counthan '03, of Cambridge, and Professor Joseph Cornors of Emerson College.

The debate will follow the usual procedure of Intercollegiate debates, with two 12-minute speeches for the first affirmative speaker, and an 18-minute speech by each of the other participants.

The other members of the debating team will be away at Brown tomorrow where they will uphold the affirmative side of the question. They are F. S. Tupper '26, and Carroll Sibley '28.


Princeton is a member of the League this year, and the Harvard-Yale-Princeton debate will thus become a part of the regular League schedule.
