A total of 465 members of the class of 1927 applied for rooms in the Senior dormitories for next year, according to an announcement made public last night by J. R. Burke '27, Chairman of the Senior Dormitory Committee.
These men applied in 118 groups as follows: ten groups of 18, ten groups of 12, three groups of six, one group of five, five groups of three, 36 groups of two and 53 single applications.
The draw will be made as soon as possible and the Committee hopes to be able to announce the resulting assignment before the end of this week.
Forty-four more men have applied this year than did last year at this time. The group applications present great differences. Last year only four groups of 12 and 19 of two applied for rooms together and only 36 prospective Seniors applied singly.
With 13 entries available for 18 men it is reasonably certain that all ten groups of that number who applied for whole entries will be assigned rooms in the Senior dormitories. It is probable that all save one or two of the groups who applied 12 together will also get entries allotted to them.
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