Six men have been retained following the debating trial held last night in Room 6 of Harvard Hall, and will compose the two teams which will speak for the University in the first triangle meeting of the Eastern Intercollegiate Debating League on January 16, it was announced by Coach F. F. Bowman '24. Further trials will be held this week to determine the alternative speaker on each of the two-man teams.
F. S. Gupper '26, E. C. Sibley '28, and T. S. Fain '27 will make up the affirmative squad which will travel to Providence to uphold the question, "Resolved, that this house deplores the condition of intercollegiate athletics in eastern colleges," against the Brown debaters. The negative team which will argue against the Wesleyan squad will be composed of Barrett Williams '28, S. N. Loronzen '28, and D. E. Scoll '28.
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