

All But Two Classes Chosen to Face Columbia on Saturday--Two Places Awarded by Default

The finals in all but two classes were held yesterday in the trials for places on the University wrestling team, which is to face Columbia on Saturday, in New York.

Defaults occurred in the 115-pound and 125-pound class. F. B. Turner, '26, and B. J. Goldberg '26, were the respective winners.

Stearns Victor over Kullman

In the 135-pound class Carl Stearns '26 was the victor in a close match over H. M. Kullman '27. The match between F. R. Schwartz '27, and C. C. Corson '28 in the 145-pound class was not held. In the 158-pound class H. R. Wood '27 throw Richard McSweeney '28 in 45 seconds. F. B. Hayne '26, last year's captain, was victor over W. H. Ennis '27 in the 175-pound class.

Another match which was postponed was in the heavyweight group, where C. H. Bradford '26, faces T. D. Howe '28, Howe has had a bad attack of the grippe, and it is doubtful whether he will be able to grapple with Captain Bradford for the right to take the Columbia trip. In that event Bradford will wrestle S. S. Wilson '28, before the end of the week.


Goldberg, Bradford, Hayne, and Wood, are all veterans of last year's team, although Hayne and Goldberg were both unable to face Yale. The wrestlers lost to Yale by a score of 20.5, but Coach Lewis is hopeful that his wealth of material will bring better results this year.
