

Physics C Condemned

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I feel that I cannot agree with the criticism of the CRIMSON reviewer who designates Physics C as a "satisfactory" course. The course may be very unfavorably criticised from two angles--its aims and its methods.

Physics C is the introductory course for those concentrating in this field of Science, and with some minor changes it would meet this requirement satisfactorily. However, it further attempts to furnish a general outline of physics to the man who is satisfying his distribution requirement of who feels that he would like an understanding of the scope and importance of physics. These two requirements are too diverse to be met by the same course. The course is too technical and not broad enough for those undergraduates of the second mentioned type. The hysteresis curve of the generator is taught, while personal experience brings to light the fact that from the professor down to the instructor there was no one who could answer the simple question as to how many volts are used in the operation of an apartment elevator motor.

In addition, the course is badly organized. In several instances professor, section man, and lab instructor have given individual modifications of a text book formula. This fourfold division of authority and differentiation of method utterly destroys the spirit and unity of the course.

The course needs division, reorganization of material and method of presentation, and the remoulding of the whole course about some suitable nucleus. (Signature withheld.)
