Trials for candidates tonight and tomorrow night will officially open the thirty-ninth season of the University Instrumental Clubs. The trials will be hold in the Music Building between 6.30 and 9 o'clock, and all members of the University are eligible to compete for positions, it was announced last night.
Following the scheme which was originated last spring, the Instrumental Clubs will be divided into four divisions, the Banjo Club, the Mandolin Club, the Vocal Club, and the Specialty Division. Each of these divisions is directed by a leader and a committee chosen by members and candidates. In the trials, in order to secure the greatest possible accuracy in each case, each applicant will be judged separately by each division, whether he intends to take part in the work of that particular unit or not.
Mandolins, mandolas, guitars, violins, cellos, flutes, clarinets, mando-celloes and bass violas are all needed for the Mandolin Club. Many of these instruments, with piccoloes, trumpets, trombones, saxophones, cornets and drums are used by the Banjo Club. The Specialty Division concentrates on various musical and comical acts which are interspersed throughout the program to very the entertainment.
Vocal Club to be Kept Small
The Vocal Club will be kept within the small dimensions that were imposed when it was added to the Instrumental Clubs last spring. Every candidate for the Instrumental Clubs will be asked to try out for this department but only a few will be accepted. The Vocal Club will take part in every scheduled concert except those with Dartmouth, Brown, Princeton and Yale, when the Glee Club joins the Instrumental Clubs.
In addition to the Brown and Princeton concerts away from Cambridge, and the Yale and Dartmouth concerts at home, many trips will be made to various nearby towns, such as Worcester, Lowell, Lawrence, New Bedford, Providence, Portland and Belmont. A dance follows each entertainment, and in cases where the distance warrants it, the trips compose an overnight affair. At least one long vacation trip will be arranged similar to that last year which included New York, Washington, and Hot Springs.
Vocal Club to Begin Tonight
The first rehearsal of the Mandolin and Banjo Clubs will take place at 6.45 and 8 o'clock respectively. These rehearsals will continue at the same times on every Monday and Thursday. The Vocal Club will meet at 8 o'clock to-night.
A ten-week competition, open to Freshmen only, for Assistant Manager of the Instrumental Clubs will begin at 6 o'clock tonight also. The work will consist in arranging and booking concerts, running rehearsals, writing letters, and general managerial work.
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