
Glee Club Trials Begin Tomorrow

Trials for the University Glee Club will start tomorrow night at 7 o'clock in Sever 11, and will continue on Thursday and Friday evenings, it was announced last night.

Members of all departments of the University, both graduate and undergraduate, are eligible. Those who have previously sung in the club, it was explained, need not take a second entrance trial, but should report at the first rehearsal on Monday, October 5. Candidates, the management pointed out, need bring no music to the trials. Sight reading will not be required, but men will be tested upon scales with a view to ascertaining the range and quality of their voices.

Candidates for the position of accompanist, it was further announced last night, should report in Sever 11 at 7 o'clock Monday evening, October 5.

Plans for the season include the annual series of three concerts at Symphony Hall, for which Sigrid Onegin, contralto, Jacques Thibaud violinist, and Frieda Hempel soprano, have been engaged as soloists. In addition the Club will take several short trips for performances in nearby cities. The annual trip to be hold as usual during the April recess, will carry the men as far south as Washington.
