
In the Graduate Schools

Memorial Hall Used--Professor Dillon to Give Public Utilities Course

The opening of the new year finds the Business School still in search of permanent shelter. Memorial Hall has become the present home of the School's Accounting Department and Student Reports, which have taken refuge there while waiting to transfer to the Delta. This transfer will be effected by October 15, it has been announced, the School occupying the former home of the Bursar's Office, which is left vacant by its removal to the new accounting building.

The various departments of the School are now situated under five different roofs. Besides the departments in Memorial Hall, there are branches of the School's administration in University Hall, Lawrence, Widener Library, and in Peabody Museum.

Course Teaches Practical Method

Professor T. H. Dillon, aided by other members of the Business School Faculty, will conduct this year a course on "Public Utility Management", open free of charge to men who satisfy the Business School that they are properly qualified. The course is in accordance with the terms of the bequest of George H. Leatherbee by which one free course is given annually in the school.

The course aims to qualify men for positions in the service of various public utility companies including electric railroads, telegraph, telephone, electric light, power, and gas companies, but should prove useful to men interested in investment and banking. Classes will be held three times a week, the first half year being designed to show the regulations and restrictions under which the industries operate, and the second half to illustrate the success of companies in working out their problems under these restrictions. No text book will be used, but instruction will be by class discussion of actual cases and problems. The decisions of courts and of utility commissions will be mainly used for case material during the first part of the course. Subsequently the operations of utility companies will be looked at from the company's side, actual problems and decisions by company officials being used chiefly for case material.


Public Utility Course Inaugurated

The object of the new course is to teach a practicable method of approach for reaching correct decisions in both the economic and operating problems of public utility.

This is to be done by teaching students to assemble and consider relevant facts and to apply general principles derived from the study and discussion of numerous examples taken from actual practice in this business and in related businesses. By this method it is hoped that students will master the general principles and will learn to apply them to specific problems.

Application for enrollment should be made in writing to the office of the School, 17 University Hall, stating business experience and firm by whom now employed. The class will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at an hour to be arranged. The first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 30.
