

Place as Conductor of Glee Club to Be Filled by C. W. Woodworth '24--Dr. Pratt to Be Appleton Organist

After a week of Glee Club rehearsals and preliminary training of new members, Dr. A. T. Davison '06 will sail for Europe for his sabbatical year.

Before leaving Cambridge Dr. Davison hopes to get work for the coming season well under way, and start the breaking in of new members. During his absence G. W. Woodworth '24 will conduct the Glee Club. Mr. Woodworth has played accompaniments for the Glee Club and sung under Dr. Davison for five years and has acted as conductor on occasions when the latter was unable to be present.

When Dr. Davison first came to the University he found the Glee Club an ordinary college singing society. He has made it the most widely known and highly praised organization of its kind in the United States. For years Harvard won the intercollegiate singing contest, and year after year music critics have heated praises on Dr. Davison's leadership. The Glee Club trip to Europe in 1921 was the culminating point of his growing fame when a national reputation was widened to an international one. Throughout Europe he and the Glee Club were acclaimed as they had been in America, its fame penetrating through northern Russia according to M. Serge Koussevitsky, now conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

Last year the accomplishment which attracted more attention than any other was the club's performance of Brahms' German Requiem. M. Koussevitsky said after the concert that, with one exception, the Glee Club is the best trained chorus he had heard in any country of the world.

"Dr. Davison with his Glee Club has done what countless musicians have only partially succeeded in doing," continued M. Koussevitsky. "He has instilled into his singers real feeling for the music they work with."


As organist in Appleton Chapel and trainer of the University Choir, Dr. Davison's place will be taken by Dr. C. C. Pratt. Instructor in the department of Psychology here. Music is an avocation with Dr. Pratt, and he is not connected with the Music Department in any way.

Courses given by Dr. Davison, Music 2a and 3a, will be omitted this year, as there is no one to fill his place. His lectures on Music of the Renaissance in History 7 will also be missing this year.
