A series of formal and informal meetings have been planned to inaugurate the college year for the class of 1929. Among those who will greet the Freshmen at the various receptions to be given through Monday morning, are President A. Lawrence Lowell '77, Mr. Frederick T. Campbell, headmaster of the Boston Latin School, Dr. Karl Reiland, rector of St. George's Church in New York, and the Hon. Joseph C. Grew '02, Under-Secretary of State.
The first duty of the Freshmen in both the College and Engineering School will be to register today at the Hemenway Gymnasium between 10 and 5 o'clock. For those men entering on September examinations there will be a special registration on Monday, September 28.
This evening at 7.30 in the Smith Halls Common Room Dean C. N. Greenough '98 will preside at an informal meeting of all Freshmen. President Lowell and Mr. Patrick C. Campbell will welcome the new Harvard class.
At 8.45 o'clock Friday morning Professor Bliss Perry will conduct a 15 minute service in Appleton Chapel. Following this the class will assemble at 9 o'clock in the New Lecture Hall to hear short addresses by several members of the Faculty. The speakers and their topics will be as follows: "Choice of Studies for the Freshman year" by Delmar Leighton '19, Secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives and Assistant Dean; "Why and How We Study Science in College" by N. Henry Black '96, Assistant Professor of Education; "The College Library" by Kenneth B. Murdock '16, Instructor in English and Secretary of the Council of the Library; "The College's Library; and "How to Find Your Way Around in a Big Lecture Course by Roger Merriman '96, Professor of History and Chairman of the Committee on Degrees in History and Literature.
During the remainder of the morning and during the early afternoon the Freshmen will hold conferences with their Faculty Advisers to arrange their choice of studies. At 4.30 o'clock the class will assemble in the Smith Halls Quadrangle and march to the Stadium, where arrangements have been made for them to watch the University football practice.
Assistant Dean E. A. Whitney '17 will preside at an informal meeting at 7.30 o'clock in the Smith Halls Common Room. H. T. Dunker '25, head proctor of Little Hall, captain of last lear's track team and chief marshal of his class, and several prominent undergraduates will speak.
At 8.45 o'clock Saturday morning the services in Appleton Chapel for the Freshmen will be conducted by Professor W. B. Munro of the Government Department. These will be followed at 9 o'clock by a preliminary meeting of English A, the prescribed Freshman English course. It is obligatory that all Freshmen who have not anticipated or do not intend to anticipate this course attend the meeting. At the same time an anticipatory examination in English A will bie held in Harvard Hall. Conferences with Faculty Advisers will continue throughout the day for those men who have not been able to complete the arrangement of their program on Friday.
An early opportunity to take examinations to meet the language requirements which must be passed before a student may enter the Junior class will be given Saturday afternoon. A third informal meeting of the Freshmen will be held at 2.30 in the Smith Halls Common Room. The Hon. Joseph C. Grew '02 will speak, Dean Greenough presiding.
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