

Eight Letter Men Now on Team A With Others on Team B--First Game to Be Played on October 3

The University football squad, in accordance with the so-called Big Three agreement began its fall practice a week ago last Tuesday, and the 44 men who have been retained on the first squad have been put through their paces twice daily behind the closed gates of a newly fenced practice field behind the Stadium. At the same time more than twice as many black-shirted athletes have reported to Coach Knox in an effort to win places on the second squad.

1925 Eleven is Unknown Factor

Head Coach R. T. Fisher '12 has this year the assistance of Major C. D. Daly '01, former head coach at West Point, as backfield coach; L. H. Leary '05, as end coach; C. A. Tierney '22, as line coach, and E. W. Mahan '16, as coach of kickers and backs. There has been much speculation in football circles as to the effect of Major Daly's presence on the coaching staff. It has been conjectured that it means an entirely renovated attack and the casting to the four winds of the traditional Crimson offense. Other pronosticators have advanced the belief that the attack will be fundamentally the same. No hint as to what is going on inside has come from the Stadium gates, however, and the football world is awaiting eagerly the bow of the 1925 machine against Renssclaer Polytechnic Institute a week from next Saturday.

Team A has been lining up with W. F. Saltonstall '28 and Madison Sayles '27 at ends, C. M. Lindner '27 and R. W. Turner '28 at tackles, B. L. Kilgour '27 and George Hoague Jr. '26 at guards, J. W. Adie '26 at center, A. H. Stafford '26 at quarter, Captain M. A. Cheek '26 and J. J. Mather '26 at halfback, and A. H. Miller '27 at fullback. Eight of this eleven are letter-men. Of the others, Salton-stall was a regular on last year's Freshman eleven; Kilgour was on the University squad and saw service in almost every game; and Turner was a Freshman ineligible for the 1928 team.

The coaches have shifted several men to new positions in their efforts to get the best all around combination. C. D. Coady '27, last season one of the leading tackles in Eastern football, has so far been used wholly in the backfield, where he played on his Freshman team. He is one of the best punters on the squad. Similarly Madison Sayles '27 and Roger Doherty '26, both backs last year, are now being tried at end. Also W. R. Chase '26 and J. M. Barbee '28, originally ends, have been converted into backs. Turner, former all scholastic center, has been played chiefly at tackle.
