

University Scholarships Go to Seniors at Other Colleges--Make Awards for Graduate Work

The following names complete the list of men receiving scholarships which was published in part in the last issue of the CRIMSON.

This portion of the list contains the names of a number of Seniors in other colleges who were awarded scholarships for graduate study at the University. In addition there are the names of instructors in the college and students in the graduate schools who have received awards. The list also contains certain scholarships granted by the Medical School and the Bussey institution.

The rest of the list, continued from Saturday, is as follows:

Rumrill Graduate Scholarship

James A. Rumrill Graduate Scholarship--John Wilson Bowyer A.M., Lexington, Va., A.B. Washington and Lee University 1921, A.M. ibid. 1922, Acting Professor of English, College of Charleston, English. Gorham Thomas Scholarship--Albert Harold Blatt 1G., Cambridge, S.B. 1923, Edwin Austin Fellow, Candidate for A.M., Chemistry.


Ralph Sanger Scholarships--Walter Edwards Beach A.B., Stanford University, Cal., A.B. Stanford University 1922, Research Assistant, Food Research Institute, Stanford University, Economics; Melvin Gardner De Shazo A.B., Seattle, Wash., A.B. University of Washington 1924, Teaching Fellow in Economics, University of Minnesota 1921, Philosophy; Elmer Joseph Working S.M., Washington, D. C., S.B. University of Arizona 1921, S.M. lowa State College 1922, Economics.

University Scholarships--Bruce Macmillan Bigelow Ph.B., Providence, R. L., Brown University 1924, History; Joseph Brunet A.M., Stanford University, Cal., A.B. Stanford University 1923, A.M. ibid. 1924, Romance Languages; Nelson Sherwin Bushnell A.B., LL.B., Watertown, Conn., A.B. Williams College 1920, LL.B. Baldwin-Wallace University 1923, Teacher of English and Public Speaking, Taft School, Watertown, Conn., English; Stanley Cecil Davidson S.B., Montreal, Que., S.B. McGill University 1923. Geology; Percy Albert Davies 2G., Scottsbluff, Neb. S.B. Colorado Agricultural College 1922, S.M. ibid. 1923, Botany; Brainerd Dyer 1G., Los Angeles, Cal., A.B. Piomona College 1923, Candidate for A.M., History; Allen Richard Foley A.M., Hanover, N. H., A.B. Dartmouth College 1920, A.M. University of Wisconsin 1924, Instructor in History, Dartmouth College, History.

Award To Rensselaer Instructor

Austin Rogers Frey 2G., New York City, S.B. 1920, A.M. 1924, Townsend Scholar, Physics; Frank Albert Gilbert Jr. 2G., Wenham, S.B. Massachusetts Agricultural College 1922, Candidate for A.M., Botany; James White Gould 1G., Greenfield, Ill., A.B. 1922, University Scholar, Candidate for A.M., Classics: George Claude Hicks 1G., Moncton, N.B., A.B. Acadia University 1922, Candidate for A.M., Biology; Frederic Chapin Lane 1G., Cambridge, A.B. Cornell University 1921, A.M. Tufts College 1922, History; Earl Godfrey Mellor A.B., Worcester, A.B. Clark College 1918, Instructor in Romance Languages, Clark University, Romance Languages; Harry Rowe Mimno E.E., Troy, N. Y., E.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1921, Instructor in Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Physics.

Scholarship To Heidelberg Senior

Harold Joyce Noble A.B., Columbus, O., A.B. Ohio Wesleyan University 1924, History: Fritz Jules Roethlisberger 1G., Tomkinsville, N. Y., A.B. Columbia University 1921, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922, Candidate for A.M., Philosophy; Edward Perry Rubin, Senior in Heidelberg University, Tiffin, O., Social Ethics: Jacob Bernard Shohan 2G., Boston, A.B. 1916, Chemistry; Dietrich Conrad Smith A.M., St. Paul, Minn., A.B. University of Minnesota 1923, A.M. ibid, 1924, Zoology; Hanns Peter Swarzenski, Frankfort, Germany, Fine Arts; Charles Edwin Teeter Jr. 1G., Newark, N. J., A.B. 1923, Thayer Scholar, Chemistry.

The following men, who are Seniors in their respective universities have been given University Scholarships in the graduate schools next year:

Brown Awarded Scholarship

Eugene Morehead Armfield, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C., Romance Languages; Arthur Watson Bromage, Wesleyan University, Conn., Warehouse Point, Conn., Government; Arthur Barton Brown '25, Roxbury, Mathematics; Edward Newcomb Brush, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., Philosophy; George Lyle Church, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Dorchester, Botany; Clayton Dion Craig, University of South Dakota, Watertown, Economics; David Mitchel Dougherty, University of Delaware, Wilmington, Del., English; Edward French Dow, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., Government; Henry Matran Eller, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., Classics; Raymond Matthew Fuoss '25, Altoona, Pa., Chemistry; Stowell Coolidge Goding, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., Romance Languages; Granvyl G. Hulse, University of California, Southern Branch, Los Angeles, Cal., History; Edgar Morris Hymans, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O., Economics; Donald Wallace MacKinnon, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., Psychology.

Titus Is University Scholar
