The Library has put a unique collection of autographed letters of a number of poets and authors on exhibition in the Widener room. Among the letters included are some of Burns, Scott, Stevenson, Swinburne, Thoreau, and Whittier.
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Network Open House Offers Hostesses and Guided ToursAll members of the University, Alumni, and their friends are cordially invited to "Open House" at the Crimson Network Studios
BOOKENDST HE fundamental fault in modern poetry is its lack of morality. In presenting this thesis in his Charles Eliot
Vesper Service.Bishop Vincent conducted the service at Vespers yesterday. He preached no sermon, but read a few extracts from Whittier. The
The Student VagabondLectures of interest to be given today and tomorrow as follows: TODAY 9 O'clock "The Puritan Revolution," Professor Merriman, New
The Student VagabondTODAY 10 O'clock "Whittier," Professor Murdock, Harvard 1. "The Treaty of Washington," Professor Baxter, Harvard 2. "Russia's Expansion in Asia