The Athletic Committee cleaned up the year on Wednesday night in a busy session at which insignia were awarded to 201 men and the appointments of 18 managers and captains ratified.
Insignia were awarded to the University hockey, golf, lacrosse, tennis, wrestling, rifle, and fencing teams, and to the championship 150-pound crew. The Second University tennis and hockey teams also were awarded their insignia. Freshman numerals were given to the Freshman numerals were given to the Freshman hockey, track, baseball, lacrosse, wrestling, tennis, riffle and fencing teams.
The Committee also voted to permit the entries of several track men, not competing in the Yale meet, for the meet of the Kiwanis Club at New Bedford tomorrow. No schedules for next year were confirmed, but were referred instead to Assistant Dean Leighton '19, and to T. J. Campbell '12, Graduate Treasurer of the Athletic Association, who compose the Committee on Schedules.
Managerships Confirmed
The following captains, whose elections had already been approved by the Minor Sports Council, were seconded by the Athletic Committee: Charles Hickling Bradford '26 of Boston, captain of wrestling; Brenden Dempsey Leahey '26 of Lowell, captain of the rifle team; Allen Eugene Reed '26 of Livonia, New York, captain of lacrosse; Andres Gregorio Carillo '26 of Havana, Cuba, captain of fencing; and Robert Palmer Outerbridge '28 of Superior, Wisconsin, captain of Freshman fencing.
The following managers were also confirmed: Robert Johnston Dunkle Jr. '27 of Brookline, second assistant manager of the track team; Sarell Everett Gleason '27 of Evanston, Illinois, assistant manager of cross-country; Kenneth Belcher Harding '27 of Brookline, assistant manager of the Harvard Interscholastic Track Meet; William Ashley Magie 2nd '28 of Chicago, Freshman track manager; Beverly Tucker Thompson Jr. of Oak Park, Illinois, assistant manager of Freshman track; Victor Owen Jones '28 of Cambridge, manager of Freshman baseball; Corcoran Thom Jr. '28 of Washington, D. C., assistant manager of Freshman baseball; Water Egan Trevvett '27 of Cleveland, second assistant manager of tennis: Carleton Sprague Smith '27 of Washington, Conn.. assistant manager of the second tennis team; Langdon Dearborn '28 of Havana, Cuba, manager of Freshman hockey: Edmund Balch Jackson '28 of Cambridge, assistant manager of Freshman hockey; and Arthur Cook Lane '27 of Lynnfield, assistant manager of fencing.
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